Books Don't Work!


Get the Message
Interview with David Klaybor
Cover article
(Self Esteem Magazine)

Captain Dave Klaybor has a theory:
Books don't work... unless you do! Installing Secret Information

The president of PowerLine Systems, time management consultant and motivational speaker also has a book for 2003 publication . Its title? " Books don't work...unless you do."

"It's a paradigm," says Klaybor. "I can't change the paradigm that if I don't have a b-o-o-k that looks like a b-o-o-k, I'm not an author." His first book became a day planner (The PowerLine System): "It was a working book, an interactive book, a filing cabinet, dictionary, encyclopedia, resource guide. It was an amazing piece of equipment."

"A lot of the books I own haven't done the job. Does that mean that books are bad? No. What is bad? Information does not have a means to get installed. There is no bridge between the knowledge and the action."

We caught up with Klaybor in the middle of a move and he walked us through his theory- from the dawn of written communication to his solutions for creating the bridge that will enable us to install the information we want. What follows are excerpts from that interview:

"In earlier times, cavemen and women drew on the walls to communicate. The space repetition was there. Every time you came you into your cave, you saw the message. It taught a story and was a permanent way of delivering records into the subconscious mind. It was conditioning and reprogramming, and future cave dwellers saw it, too: "Watch out for the saber tooth tiger, it will chew you alive,' or Look for the buffalo, it will keep you alive."

"Then somebody got the oral part of communication going; they started telling stories because, of course , nobody could write. Writing evolved. But it was on a primitive level because there were so many different languages and cultures. Standardization took literally thousands of years. Before the printing press, you had this painstaking effort by monks copying the Bible; it took decades, sometimes centuries, to complete whole Bibles or other books."

"The printing press changed things, literacy was terrible back then. And, obviously, as time passed, the move literacy gained momentum; it appealed to the need to be accountable, to learn, to grow. A book was coveted, treasured and nurtured. There was a great value put into the printed word then, and anybody who could read was respected. You took time to read. There were only one, two or three books in the house, perhaps in the town. So, of course that book was read, and read to others who couldn't read."

"Space repetition was working-the space repetition of telling stories and singing hymns and songs and other things that passed on personal development issues."

"Moving into the early 1900's, things were progressing: word of mouth, print and more people becoming literate everyday. It's a big swing in the culture--- and then radio. The first signs of mass media. If I could say there was a turning point, that was it. It started pressuring us into having less and less reading time and more and more commercials."

"Until you know where you came from, your paradigm is that books work."


Incentives and Cramming

"We had a structured environment, a system, that was in place from the time we were old enough to get out of the house. It took us right through grade school and on. It's a forced system. You'll go to jail if you're a parent and you don't send your kid through the system. It's life-learning. You're supposed to learn your ABC's and the three or four R's. You're supposed to learn about life, geography and a language. Then high school comes along, then college. Structures, structured, certificate, certificate, and what's the system of accountability there? Social pressure that's tremendous. From the kid's point, they don't want to be a moron, and the parents don't want their kid flunking. You've got teachers, report cards and tardy slips--all sorts of things that penalize or reward proper behavior to ensure the person goes through school."

"There is accountability. You have personal accountability, academic accountability and accountability to your peers and your parents."


"Then there's our post-academic environment."

"What about the entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs don't fit in anywhere. Just by their design, they don't follow rules. So the entrepreneur, in a post-academic world, gravitated to seminars--the Napoleon Hills, Zig Zigglars' and Dale Carnegies; legends were born. There weren't many books at the time--there are 30,000 books a year being printed now, some say 50,000, but back then there was maybe 3,000 books annually. So their books on the personal development field stood out and were purchased in great numbers. But there was no classroom environment. Some people have the time and the moxy to read some of the books, but now we're getting into the 'books don't work theme'. How did we learn how to pass the test in grade or high school? We crammed."

"In that post-academic world, we're left without a babysitter or parents; we're left to ourselves as adults. A human being comes with its human being frailties. We stall, procrastinate, show lack of interest; we want to sit and eat ice-cream rather than study any kind of personal development book. If you ask 1000 humans, they will choose the easy way out nine times out of ten. Because there is no structure, there is no report card, no test on "Think and Grow Rich." That's the problem. Without that regimented environment to force information into our system, we're not learning like we did before."

The Bible

"I was sitting in church one day and I didn't look at 'The Bible' as a bible but as a book. 'The Bible was an unbelievable book, and it was amazing that it hit me at a time when I was on a quest for the Holy Grail. It's in a couple of different colors and it's got these lines and numbers(tabbing). I looked at the index and the table of contents, and I thought back upon the years of using it, hoe easy the minister would make anybody dance, and we could easily go from chapter to chapter--despite an extremely thick and complicated environment everybody was reading in seconds. It was orchestrated, you could hear all the pages shuffling throughout the church. It's unbelievable the way that book was working.

"That's why I designed my day-planner very much like the Bible. Accurate timely information was where I needed it when I needed it."

Kids Books Grow Up

"Kids books work. There thin, so you could read them to somebody in bed before you go to bed."

"Believe it or not, adults are no different than kids. We need information step by step. Kids' books have got a huge-type font, so older people as well as younger kids can read it. They're easy, they're fun--tons of colors everywhere. Color, color, color. And they've got drawings that go along with the color and are fun, fun, fun--that's the whole theme. Make learning fun."

"Then what happened in grade school? As years progressed, the books got thicker, the font got smaller and smaller, color went further and further away and they got yuck. They turned into yucky, yucky books, and as the years went by, we felt worse and worse about books. It happens so gradually. We loved books, and we forgot when we started hating them. When did you start hating books? It's subliminal. We didn't have cars back then, we rode bikes or walked, and we had to carry how many books. Depending on how many classes you took and you might have2 or 3 books per class, you might have 3-6 books a night. Was it fun to carry those books? No way. Then was it fun to open them up by the time we're in 8th grade or near high school or even college? No, it was paragraph after paragraph of data. And then we have this guy standing at the front of the room saying read four chapters tonight and we'll have a test at the end of the week. So now that nasty little subliminal yucky feeling gets in there.. "I hate you teacher...I hate you book...I hate it every time I carry it.' It's thick and cumbersome and you open it up and there's nothing fun about it."

Space Repetition

"The word cram could be substituted for space repetition. We know to pass the test, we have to read it and read it. Obviously the timing between the time we read it last and the time we take the test is critical, because we also know one other key need that cramming can satisfy: The more time that goes by, the less we retain.

"Madison Avenue bombards us with about two or three thousand commercials a day--to install behavioral patterns in you to purchase items. They figure out the coolest, hottest, most revolutionary, hotshot methodology, techniques, formulas to deliver those commercials and to make you change your habits."

"Why do radio, TV and newspapers exist? They're for profit, the delivery systems. Most of the influences are subliminal, meaning unconscious. Check the messages you want to save. You'll find maybe 10% of that 3000 at best. If that's true, we're being bombarded with garbage."

Create Success Commercials

"You agree you're being bombarded and not learning what you want. What's the solution? The solution is success commercials. If a commercial, use what woks. But design you own."

"We're finally drawing the circle to a close. How do I deliver information?"

"I didn't want to believe a book didn't work--that radio and television had been sticking stuff in my brain since I was little. I didn't want to believe that someone could tell me 'plop, plop, fizz, fizz,' and I would say, 'Oh what a relief it is.' So I asked my self, 'If I know the Pledge of Allegiance' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' how did that stuff get in there?"

"That's what CD ROM and computers are all about. All they do is access and deliver it to you where you need it. When you need it. Books are entering their last phase. Computers work better. Cassettes tapes work better than books because you can 'space repetition' them into your life. You don't have spare time anymore to sit in bed and read. You might be different, but again we're talking about the majority of entrepreneurs. You don't feel like reading anymore because we've been bombarded with those 2,000 messages all day. We're wasted. Trying to install more information, even though it's enjoyable, becomes almost work. That's why 'Gone with the wind' and some of the lusty little novels are selling like gangbusters; it's escapism. It's not installing data permanently."

"We're being installed with junk, and we're not installing what we need so I created the success commercial--a delivery mechanism of a gazillion little success commercials. Use post-it-note pads, write a message that's important to you. Make it a declarative sentence or an action step. 'Play tennis today,'

Put it in 15 places in your house: the toilet seat, the ceiling, the refrigerator... The key is it's got to shock--serious shock. Instead of being bombarded by all this junk by all these other people, create your own commercials."

" Start tuning out junk and tuning in on what you want to learn."


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I challenge you to contact Dave. He can reallllly help you !

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